Friday, November 15, 2013

God's Kindess = Repentance

Its Gods Kindness that leads people to repentance, Romans 2:4! 

And it's Holy Spirits job to bring about conviction...
Remember that the next time you want to "call out" someones "bad choices" "in love". The position of Judge and Jury has already been filled...and HE does so with Mercy, Grace and Genuine Love...God does not bash people over the head with their sins. So when we feel compelled to do so...we are not acting as proper agents of God. We are not doing so with His power...and if thats true, then we must ask ourselves, who do I really represent here? Don't let the enemy use you to bring condemnation to others. don't act as an agent of darkness. Be Christlike. Be love. Lead people to the Truth by using KINDNESS. 

Thanks for the reminder Linda Lauritzen and friend...

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