Thursday, October 8, 2020

JEHOVA JIREH (We got a house!)



But here’s the thing. 

As always there is a story and a lesson... Read on. 

The house we ended up getting (We will call this The Cave Creek House) is the VERY first house we were scheduled to see, on Friday afternoon when we landed in Phoenix. 

We ended up not viewing it, for several reasons, one of which being that it is an hour north of Central Phoenix. And, so many houses had already canceled showings with us, because they had rented already. We had to move fast! 

Our realtor explained if we went an hour north, we would not have time to look at the other 2-3 homes she had for us, which were just south of Phoenix, before they were rented. 

We had a decision to make: spend our afternoon looking at ONE house in a not so ideal location? Or spend the afternoon looking at multiple houses in our preferred towns and neighborhoods. Seemed like a good idea to just blow off the Cave Creek house until the next day... if possible. 

The next morning she tells us, it’s off the market and had been rented anyway. Out of sight out of mind. We let it go. Meh. 

But God had other plans, I believe. As you may have read in my previous blog post (stop and read if you haven’t:)

We searched high and low, and every house we were scheduled to view were either rented before we could even view it or we applied and were flatly denied. (Which was weird bc neither of us had ever been denied before!) there were one or two (we tried not to be picky since it was such slim pickings) that we walked into and then practically -immediately back out of because they were that awful. We had no desire to apply for them. They would *not* meet our needs in addition to being in less desirable neighborhoods or had other negative things about them we didn’t like. 

Yesterday (10/7) 2 days after we got home and about a week from movers coming (Weds. 10/15) The Cave Creek House became available again. Our realtor had us rush our application through for it... along with 2 other houses; the 2 we didn’t want!!! Go figure. We were approved for ALL 3. 

We went from ZERO to 3 in. a. day. a single day. 

Sometimes God has such a sense of humor. He’s up there “Okay you want a house, I’ll see your house and raise you 2 more!” 

Additionally, it’s Gods timing that blows my mind.

We had to HUMBLE ourselves and apply and potentially accept a house that was “beneath” us and “not good enough” because it was all that was left. We had such an entitled and proud spirit! Oy my humanness. 

WE REFUSED in an arrogant way, to see the House that He ordained for us, at the beginning, so then we were left to WAIT. In limbo. Wait until the other folks backed out... before we could get it. 

But once we surrendered... God supplied the original house, and it is beyond what we could imagine... especially compared to those other 2. 

Also, when God shows up, he REALLY shows up, when I had a chance to speak directly with The Cave Creek House realtor, we got off on a tangent (Shocking I know) about our respective “special needs” kiddos.

And he told me that because he has 2 of them and empathizes with us because of Allyson, he literally moved us to the top of the list, AND he said “I really want you to meet my wife, she is very connected with all the local support groups and can give you great information on the best therapists and resources as well”. 

Like WHOA. That’s something I had genuinely been concerned about... finding good people for Allysons therapies. (She has multiple kinds). God provides!

I am often humbled by the Lord and feel incredibly blessed and even more grateful than you can imagine. 

I said to someone, I’m not as excited about the house, as much as I am GODS PROVISION and HIS PERFECT TIMING. He always blows my mind with how GOOD He is to me... #HighlyFavored 

Psalm 145. 

He is Good, 

He is Kind in all He does, 

His mercy is on those who love Him, 

He will provide “when its time” and 

He will fulfill your desires.

The End. 

Here are a few pix to the house... ya’ll are welcome anytime! 

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