Thursday, October 31, 2013

Powell Paraphrases 9 verses # 3

His eye is always on me...watching to and fro, from the ends of the earth to the end of time, where can I hide from His spirit, He will go with me wherever I go and be with me always. I am confident that nothing can separate me from this truth. It is my Fathers good pleasure to give me His Kingdom! So I pray, His will be done, His Kingdom come and He will give me every place I set my foot, just as He promised...

9 verses Powell Paraphrased

Life sucks sometimes...

Jesus is enough! When this life sucks and we are broken. He is enough, when He seems distant and prayers are not answered, What He did on the cross is enough. HE alone ...IS the prize and this world is not my home! Hallelujah.
Isaiah 26: 4 Trust in the Lord forever,
    for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.