Sunday, April 27, 2014

El Roi

The God who sees me...

Just like Hagar. This was said to me recently by a friend of mine and then confirmed today by the wonderful miracle that occurred. Take a journey with me if you will. There were things I wanted. Wanted, not needed. Very very specific items. They are trivial in the scheme of things so I pushed them out of my mind. And suddenly, they appear in my mailbox. From someone and her friends who have never met me, but felt Gods urging to send them. It was very sepcifically what I wanted. Without me asking. Yes He is the God who sees me, and He sees you too! 

My post on FB :
Thank you Jesus for loving me and calming my fears and for keeping me close. I received the most incredible blessing/gift in the mail today from one of my sweet spiritual daughters....JUST exactly, what I needed!!! (Wanted) On so many levels. It brought me to tears. 

Thank you to Dallas Farrell for hearing from God and being willing to listen. Thank you to your prayer group also for lifting me up. I am so humbled and honored by Gods love for me. God keeps showing up & I wonder why I ever doubt. 

Powell Paraphrase:
Psalm 73 
Surely the Lord is good to me, even though my feet had almost slipped because I have envied people in the world and wanted what they have. I have been bitter and shaken my fist at God, "It's not fair!" I have said I've done everything right. I have made good choices and been obedient to Gods calling...and yet I have suffered so much. While people who reject Him seem to get everything they want! But God has shown me once again, how He provides. He has reminded me of where I belong. He stays right beside me and shows up in the most incredible ways! He alone is enough for me, regardless of the trials of this life.

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