Sunday, October 27, 2019

Mia = Mine

Been awhile since I did one of these “Powell Paraphrases”.

But I was WEEPING this morning during my devo’s, as I read through Isaiah 43-44. (ESV) These are chapters I’ve read a hundred times, many verses I have memorized!

But for some reason I read it differently this morning. And so I am sharing what I gleaned with you.

P.S. If anyone has a new alliteration-name that I can give these renderings, instead of “Powell Paraphrase” since, you know... I’m not a Powell anymore. I’d appreciate it. Open to suggestions.

Isaiah 43-44 (ESV)
9 verses Powell Paraphrased

Thus says the Lord. You are precious in His eyes. You are loved. By the God who created & formed you. You are honored. By God who is with you when you face trials, fires, waters and rivers. You will not be burned or overwhelmed. Because He is with you. Forget what happened before, God is doing something new! He knows you were unfaithful before. He knows you walked away from Him. But He has forgiven you and remembers your sins no more! He has called you by name and you are HIS! He WILL make a way for you. He will bless you and pour out His Spirit on you. He is the Lord and there is no Savior beside Him. So do not be afraid.

43:1b “... I have called you by name, you are MIA” (Mia means “mine” in Spanish)



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