Thursday, August 20, 2020


One of the common errors of Mankind, at least in Christendom, is to believe that God needs us to share the Gospel, spread His truth and His word to others in our sphere of influence and throughout the world. 

He has asked us to, and perhaps even requires it. But he doesn’t *need* us. He chooses us. 

I learned this a few years back, Gods word, Gods Holiness, Gods TRUTH, does not change ... 

...even if the person speaking them,

  • doesn’t believe it, 
  • doesn’t “feel” it 
  • doesn’t “live” it. (This one is especially hard for Christians to accept) 

HE uses HIS power, HIS Holy Spirit, HIS word,to speak into the lives of whoever is is listening in spite of ourselves, what we're doing or how we behave. 

We can be the biggest hypocrite on the earth, and speak Gods words and have them transform the lives of those around us. 

Because it is Gods word and Gods Truth that has the transformative power. 

Because it is THEIR faith & their belief, that allows Gods truth to transform them. We literally almost have zero to do with it. 

I am not suggesting God condones this or blesses it, does it represent Christ well? No.

I am simply saying if He can use a donkey to get through to Balaam

He can certainly use you & I.  

I am suggesting however, that the speaker has less impact than the Power of the Holy Spirit; to the Hearer. 


You can read about Balaam’s Donkey Here: 

Numbers 22:21-39

Or a short video here:

Philippians 1:18

18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice.

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